![]() Think you should get better at multi-tasking? Actually, current research seems to show the myth about multi-tasking…being good at multi-tasking is an illusion created while in the busy mode of multi-tasking! Here’s some of the current research that you might find interesting:
Dr. Edward Hallowell, a Massachusetts-based psychiatrist who specializes in the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and has written a book with the self-explanatory title CrazyBusy. In his book he calls multitasking a “mythical activity in which people believe they can perform two or more tasks simultaneously.” He describes a new condition, “Attention Deficit Trait,” which he claims is rampant in the business world. ADT is “purely a response to the hyperkinetic environment in which we live,” …“Never in history has the human brain been asked to track so many data points.” It is rather difficult to multitask and stay in the present moment. One way to talk about being in the present moment is the art of paying attention -- being available to truly listen to others as well as the still small voice inside and to become aware of the Source of All Thought. These cannot be accomplished when one is pulled in many directions at the same time. However, it is normal for minds in the waking state to wander aimlessly through 60-100,000 thoughts per day. These thoughts are random or in reaction to the environment. So, few minds are accustomed to being one-pointed. In Ascension! An analysis of the Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas, MSI said, “The mind can be trained to think one-pointedly, or it can continue to think as most human minds think, in conflict and diversity. Ascension’s simple suggestion is that this process of re-training is not only effortless but easy, completely natural and extremely quick. Part of the secret is to charm the mind during every phase of this transformation.” The simple, regular practice of charming the mind to rest using “The Art of Ascension” is all that is required to experience our heritage of Infinite Awareness, to gain true freedom, and to live life spontaneously. It becomes easier and easier to experience the love around us and to love more deeply. Life unfolds in perfection.
Your DNA need not be your destiny
Research has shown that genetics plays a part in Alzheimer’s.
Lower Stress Levels = Lower Risk: The intense pace of modern life is simply too great to be countered without the power of daily avenue that effectively releases and lowers the stress levels in the body. The Art of Ascension is extremely easy to practice and quickly frees anyone from stress. |
News From The Ishaya Foundation- Discover great links to scientific research. Archives
April 2019