An Audio Introduction and explanation on how the ancient teaching of Ascension brought back from the Ishayas can transform your life and
IS transforming the lives of thousands ascending now... worldwide.
A 45 minute recording by various Ishaya monks & teachers of Ascension.
" An Inspirational and Informational Listening Experience..."
This audio introduction to the Ancient Teachings of the Ishayas unveils many of the basic truths needed now; the dawn of the 3rd millennium and the planetary shift taking place, plus answers many questions about how the seeking of a greater Love, Inner Peace & Stability and healthier Life can finally become a distinct and measurable personal direct experience with a proper tool and technique such as the Ishaya Teachings offer. You will also hear amazing examples on how the power of Praise can effect your life and the lives of others including excerpts from " Gods Chorus of Crickets" a slowed down recording of crickets singing songs of praise in nature. With your purchase you will receive a digital download (45min audio) and the option to receive a printed CD or USB version of this audio mailed to you or another as a gift.
Mailed CD: $5 : Download Only: $3
(purchasing a download also puts your email in our drawing with a chance to win a free 7 book set of MSI books on the Ishayas' ancient teaching of Ascension, Enlightenment and Visionary work of a Soul's journey from ignorance to full realization and the adventures one can encounter along the way!).
More information on the books by MSI can be found at
(Email us about bulk CD purchase discounts also).
All proceeds from your purchase or donation go towards the non-profit 's continual efforts to expand this teaching... globally.
An excerpt and brief introduction to this Audio:
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